Welcome to the EOHA website where you can find information and resources required for assistance with your housing needs.

Our mission is to holistically enhance the quality of life through partnerships, social services and sustainable housing opportunities.
EOHA’s HCV and Public Housing programs are both recognized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as high performing programs, designations that EOHA works tirelessly to maintain.
EOHA’s Section 8 HCV Department administers 1,615 Section 8 Vouchers. HCV Program participants rent housing from approximately 710 private landlords who partner with EOHA. Participants pay a portion of their income towards rent. EOHA subsidizes the difference in monthly payments directly to the owner. Owners, participants, and EOHA, share in making this three-way-partnership a success.
The Housing Management Department is responsible for public housing located in the City of East Orange. EOHA owns or operates 244 housing units located on 2 sites at Vista Village and Concord Towers. Its tenant population is exclusively the elderly and disabled. The Authority plans on expanding its portfolio of public housing units to meet the growing housing demand of its community.
EOHA is proud to offer residents and participants several programs that enhance their quality of life. The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is offered to provide necessary support services for Section 8 and public housing families who have made a commitment to work towards economic self-sufficiency. Families graduate from the program once they have been free of all government assistance for 12 months.
I hope that you find our website to be useful. If you would like additional information about EOHA or any of our programs, I invite you to use the EOHA Contact List and reach out to us or fill in the contact form on this page to electronically to submit questions, comments, or suggestions.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.
Wilbert Gill, CPA.
Executive Director