Welcome to the EOHA website where you can find information and resources required for assistance with your housing needs.
EOHA Finance Department
The Finance Department is organized into the following areas of responsibility:
• Treasury
• General Accounting
• Modernization
• Purchasing
• Budgeting
The Treasury function has the fiduciary responsibility of administering subsidies and state grants from governmental agencies, processing and depositing rents collected by housing managers, and processing checks for procurement. It invests all excess funds to maximize the rate of return earned under the guidelines set by HUD.
The General Accounting function collects, controls and monitors all data concerning financial transactions. It develops and produces reports to summarize and disclose the financial transactions of the Housing Authority for PHA management, HUD, independent auditors and outside reporting agencies.
The Modernization function administers all modernization, replacement housing factor, and energy performance contract grants. The function itemizes capital improvement budgets, monitors obligations and expenditures, and reports the financial status of the funds to PHA management and HUD. The function ensures accurate and timely financial management of all PHA capital projects.
The Budgeting function produces and monitors all departmental budgets for appropriate spending levels. The function is responsible for precise and proper budgeting in the HUD process to establish required prospective funding levels.
The Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of all supplies, materials, and equipment for the maintenance and general upkeep of the EOHA facilities. In conjunction with the Modernization Department, the Purchasing Department overseas and administers the process of specifying and awarding all contracts for capital improvements, repairs, and professional services to be performed under competitive bids, competitive contracts, and Requests for Proposals (RFPs).